Man Who Threw Son Off Key Bridge in Dundalk Sentenced to 50 Years in Prison

Another sickening story that needs to be told.  Steven Todd Nelson, of Dundalk, Maryland, was sentenced to 50 years in prison after pleading guilty to 2nd Degree Murder.  First, I’ll give you a recap.  On February 3, 2008, there was a 911 call to police where a motorist driving over the Key Bridge in Dundalk, Maryland reportedly saw a man throw something off the bridge.  Moments later another motorist called 911 stating that a man was on the Key Bridge waving his hands in the air screaming “No, No, No.”  When police arrived, the man was gone.

Shortly after the initial calls to 911 from the Key Bridge, several more calls came in from Nelson’s mother saying that her son had killed her grandson.  Still at his mother’s home, Steven Nelson drank various household cleaning products in a miserable attempt to end his pathetic life.  Police took the loser to the hospital where he recovered within a week, and confessed without hesitation that he killed his son by throwing him from the Key Bridge.

Steven Todd Nelson, the evil monster that threw his son Turner off the Key Bridge.

“Demons made me do it,” is the lame excuse Nelson gave police for killing his son Turner.  The real reason was that he killed his son to get back at the mother, who came to her senses and left the loser.  The couple was in the middle of a custody dispute, and Steven Nelson just wanted to get back at the child’s mother by killing him and keeping her from getting custody of Turner.  The little boy’s body was found in the Patapsco River five months later.

At the sentencing, the victim’s impact statement from the boys mother was read to the court that said what Nelson did was unforgivable, cruel, and selfish.  If it were my child, my choice of words would have been much different.

3-year-old Turner Jordan Nelson before his daddy (Steven Nelson) so cruelly threw him off the Key Bridge in Dundalk, Maryland.

Two of Steven Nelson’s sisters also had something to say at sentencing.  One said that he did not deserve to spend the rest of his life in prison, and the other said that Steven wasn’t a monster, and not vengeful.  These two women need a reality check.  He killed a little boy out of anger with the mother of the child.  If you kill someone, you should lose your life.  If you kill a child, you should die.  Even the bible says that if you live by the sword, you will die by the sword, and although Steven Nelson only got 50 years behind bars, he and his family should feel lucky that he will be free someday.

This story really weighed on my heart because I have a little boy.  At the time of this senseless act he was 4, just a year older than Turner.  I live in Dundalk, and the Key Bridge is actually walking distance from my home.  Something so terrible happening so close to home makes me want to hug my son a few extra times each day, and it’s a reminder of how precious life is and that it can change in the blink of an eye.

About WilliamSipe

I moved to Baltimore in 1994 to continue my printing career, and to seek out better opportunities. While picking up valuable experience in two different printing companies, I began thinking of starting my own business. My son was born on July 31, 2004, and is a very special child that means the world to me. After a near-fatal accident that left me disabled in 2004 and unable to return to my printing job, I decided to fall back on my passion for photography and graphic design and work for myself. This is when Pro-PhotoShots was born. Deciding to make photo gifts such as t-shirts, mouse pads, tote bags, sportspacks just to name a few, I bought the necessary equipment and went to work. Using my industrial grade quality materials and equipment and my experience in both photography and graphic design, I went public with my website ( offering my services to the world! It's been a great experience, and I hope we are still going strong many years from now.
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